Innovative Sol-Gel Coating Solutions for Extraordinary Performance

E-14 Polymers Are Industrial Grade Products Specified For Manufacturing & Industrial Applications



E-14 Clear is a single-component sol-gel modified silicon dioxide-based polymer clear coat. Designed to protect surfaces by creating a durable layer of quartz that is chemically fused to the substrate. Coated surfaces will be resistant to harsh chemicals,
abrasion, mold, mildew, moss, chlorides, salt spray, acid rain, UV damage, oxidation, corrosion, animal & bird waste damage, gum, graffiti, and adhesives. E-14 Clear is an excellent direct-to-substrate or top coat over existing paints or coatings.



E-14 Prime is a single-component sol-gel primer designed to function as an inter-coat bonding agent or a direct-to-substrate primer. E-14 Prime creates a molecular bridge between the coating and the substrate to chemically fuse the substrate and the topcoat together. E-14 is compatible with a wide variety of substrates and is compatible with several solvent-based coating systems. E-14 does not require a mechanical profile to achieve adhesion and will outperform mechanical profiles as a chemical bond is formed at the surface. Once E-14 Prime is cured, a very thin dense protective barrier will be created at the point of application.



E-14 Seal is designed to be a “bridge to close” microscopic surface porosity on porous substrates such as concrete, allowing a continuous film to build on the surface.
E-14 Seal is not a high-build product. Due to its low viscosity, it will not fill pinholes, cracks, micro-fissures, scratches or surface blemishes. It is not to be used on smooth surfaces such as metals, plastics, porcelain, glass, existing coatings, wood, or any other surface that do not exhibit natural surface porosity.

E-14 Polymers Partners Closely With You To Solve Coating Requirements

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