Innovative Sol-Gel Coating Solutions for Extraordinary Performance

E-14 Polymers: Your Industrial Coatings Partner to Combat Corrosion

The effects of corrosion are substantial, costing the global economy an estimated $2.5 trillion (3-4% of global GDP). The impact of corrosion is felt across various sectors, including transportation (cars, airplanes, ships), energy (oil and gas pipelines, power plants), construction (buildings, bridges), and manufacturing. Efforts to mitigate corrosion and reduce these significant costs are ongoing through improved materials, coatings, and maintenance practices.


E-14 Polymers

Focused Solutions with Broad Applications for Diverse Sectors

E-14 Polymers’ Sol-Gel coatings are designed to be exceptionally clear and thin, ensuring they do not add significant weight or interfere with the operation of parts, machinery, and surfaces across a variety of sectors: from oxidation resistance for Marine applications to corrosion resistance for Oil & Gas, and abrasion resistance for Nano Devices—only to name a few.

These advanced coatings provide effective protection without compromising the precision or efficiency of even high-tech equipment. Our coatings’ are lightweight nature means they maintain the agility and functionality of your systems, devices, and products, avoiding any impact on their performance or movement. By minimizing additional weight and preserving the integrity of moving parts, E-14 Polymers’ Sol-Gel coatings are ideal for enhancing durability while ensuring seamless operation in demanding environments.



E-14 Polymers are formulated to adhere well to various substrates, ensuring that the coating stays in place and performs effectively over time.



E-14 Polymers are engineered to be optically clear, ensuring that the appearance of the surface beneath remains unaffected.


Abrasion Resistance:

E-14 Clear forms a very thin and extremely hard layer of quartz that significantly increases wear, scratch, and abrasion resistance which increases the usable life of the coated product or surface.



E-14 Polymers provide a non-porous, smooth coating that makes it impossible for graffiti materials (like spray paint and felt pens) to permanently remain on the surface. E-14 Clear makes surfaces a breeze to clean and maintain.


UV Protection:

E-14 Polymers Clear is fully oxidized upon cure, which makes it UV stable. *UV transmission which may affect the underlying layer may still occur.


Chemical Resistant:

E-14 Polymers exhibit resistance to harsh chemicals and solvents, which makes them suitable for use in environments where exposure to such substances is likely.


Oxidation Resistance

E-14 Polymers are formulated to protect against various forms of oxidation including galvanic, pitting, crevice, and filiform.


Corrosion Resistance:

In addition to protecting against corrosion from moisture, chemicals, and oxidation, E-14 Polymers are formulated to resist the corrosive effects of saltwater. This protection prevents rapid corrosion in marine environments that leads to structural weakness, product failure, and costly repairs or replacements.

Manufacturing With Innovation

E-14 Polymers

Research & Development

Our investments in developing new materials, coatings, and technologies to combat corrosion reduce the overall financial burden to the manufacturers, infrastructure authorities, energy sector, transportation industry, marine industry, utilities, construction, agriculture, mining, metals, and consumer goods. We partner to create better products.

E-14 Polymers


Testing for corrosion is essential to assess the durability of materials and coatings and to ensure the longevity and safety of structures and equipment. Various methods are employed depending on the type of material, environment, and specific requirements. E-14 Polymers design better corrosion-resistant solutions for manufacturers and infrastructure.

E-14 Polymers


E-14 Polymers provides the deployment of protective coatings worldwide demonstrating our critical role in enhancing the durability and performance of materials and infrastructure across diverse sectors while effectively extending the life cycle and reducing the cost of infrastructure replacement.

E-14 Polymers Infrastructure

E-14 Polymers Industrial Grade Products offer exceptional versatility and durability, making them suitable for a wide array of substrates. These products excel in direct-to-metal applications, as well as over-primed and painted surfaces. They are also highly effective on treated ferrous metals, ensuring robust performance and long-lasting protection across various industrial environments.

E-14 Polymers Manufacturing

Save both time and money on research and development by partnering directly with us.

E-14 Polymers Industrial

Industrial construction costs can be exceptionally high and often come with substantial maintenance requirements. Let us demonstrate a more cost-effective and efficient way to protect your assets.

Achieve Your Goals with Our Expert Guidance

We provide comprehensive solutions and support to help you reach new heights.

E-14 Polymers
E-14 Polymers
E-14 Polymers
E-14 Polymers

E-14 Polymers Partners Closely With You To Solve Coating Requirements

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